With a Privy Outhouse You are Good to Go™! Only $999! Order Yours Today!

Arnold, CA…Do you need plug n play, drop n go, reliable infrastructure to solve your onsite sewer needs? Our Privy Composting Outhouse™ can have you instantly “Good to Go” for only $999. Whether your needs are for Off Grid, Ranch, Recreation Property or even instant infrastructure after a fire or natural disaster you are Good to Go! Your Privy is scalable by design & can handle higher volume or surge needs.

Your new Privy will be constructed of solid wood, no particle board or plywood and can last for generations. It has the look & feel of a classic outhouse but nothing touches the soil and all output and future compost is contained in standard, hot swappable, easily available compost bins.

Your privy is odor free when users sprinkle enough sawdust or organic material to provide a vapor barrier and composting additive after usage. If used in this manner we have found our privy to be odor free even in the middle of summer.

Why a waterless composting outhouse? In the decades since the humble outhouse was in common use we have learned much about waste disposal! We have also learned that mother nature in all her wisdom can render human waste not only toxic free but beneficial compost over time.

The challenge was to make a system that was safe, efficient, affordable, easy to use and maintain. We not only believe the Privy Composting Outhouse is that solution and we even filed a provisional patent on our design.

All you have to do is after 200 to 400 uses you open the door in the back of the outhouse, slide out the garbage can (compost bin) and slide in the replacement. You can easily do this in under a minute & you never have to come into contact with the compost! Just set the bin aside and let mother nature take care of the rest.

If you remove water as a carrier the amount of volume drops dramatically and based on various studies and guidelines from the USFS, WHO, UN & more it is generally shown that human waste can be efficiently and safely changed into beneficial compost in some cases as short as six months but is generally shown that in two years the compost is safe and beneficial in almost all climates and situations.

With the water removed a standard 32-33 gallon trash can easily hold between 200 to 400 uses. Not only that the contents are increasingly safe over time and by many organizations deemed completely inert after composting.

Composting toilets are increasingly common use in various ways from off grid, marine, rvs, camping & hiking infrastructure & more. Many municipalities and counties even accept compost into their normal trash recovery systems.

In summary for less than a thousand dollars you get a complete onsite sewer system that can last for decades with no monthly bills, easy maintenance, water savings & more. Order Yours Today!!

We can even finish your Privy Composting Outhouse™ in your choice of colors or roofing materials to blend in with your project requirements for a nominal fee.

Your Privy will be ready for pickup or shipping within 14 Days of order.

Call us at 209.768.3929 or email us at John@Hewn.co and we will have you Good to Go!

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