Arnold, CA…In today’s video we finally finished the last of the soffit boards so we can turn our focus to getting the roof sheeting done. Before that the next thing on the list is to get the floor in the sleeping loft finished and nailed down. This will give a stable plaform to work on […]
Arnold, CA…The last day or so our area has been under a high wind advisory. We have had enough moisture so fire risk has been minimal. It did, however, rip the tarps off that had been covering the Chainsaw Cabin. It has been weird weather winter so far. Normally we would have snow on the […]
Arnold, CA…In projects like this which for me is the most important thing to get finished at times, it seems like everything else seems to come first on the urgency list if not the important list. Business, work & family always ring the urgent bell. In many ways though that is the point and only […]
Arnold, CA…Every Off Grid Homestead needs an outhouse! No, not the old-fashioned kind where you dig a hole and put an outhouse over it. This is a composting outhouse where everything goes into the compost bin and remains until it is safe and ready for use. About The Chainsaw Cabin The Chainsaw Cabin is our […]
Arnold, CA…Over the last week or so we have been making lumber needed to finally finish off the Chainsaw Cabin. As of this post we have 8 boards left to have enough to finish roof sheeting, make doors, window frames, replace loft floor with better boards etc. This video shows a few being made. About […]
Arnold, CA…It has been an eventful few weeks since our last update. We have had the opportunity to expand Hewn into a more commercial enterprise as well as an off grid homestead. It wasn’t planned but an opportunity came up that we knew that if we didn’t at least try and take advantage of it […]
Arnold, CA…We were fortunate enough to borrow my brother’s sawmill. This will help us finish not only the cabin but get us going on several different projects.
Arnold, CA…In this video another standing dead was taken down and turned into firewood & a bit of grading for the outdoor shower & composting outhouse. It has been a busy last few weeks. Unfortunately not so much on the cabin and improvements. I also had a bit of a health issue that curtailed some […]
Arnold, CA…Much of our time the last few weeks has been spent just battling winter, cutting firewood, shoveling snow & seemingly endless tasks just to keep the project moving forward as mother nature and the winter storms try to push it backwards. In this video we did manage to make most of the boards for […]
Arnold, CA…As we spend more time at the Chainsaw Cabin being able to do the daily chores in a convenient way is becoming a must. Up till now we have been gathering and processing wood basically all over the place. We also have not had a spot other than inside the cabin to store even […]