More GPW Bolt Removing…We Hope.

Arnold, CA…It has been waaay too long since we have worked on the ole GPW publicly. It has been a busy few weeks with some travel helping a family member get ready to open a business & collecting parts and with winter heading our way getting an old 3/4 ton, 4wd pickup running to move our logs to the property. Tomorrow morning we take it to get hopefully smogged and ready for use.



But we need the Ford GPW to access any of the upper parts of the property. Without it we would have to take down several large trees and put in a road big enough for a full sized pickup which would frankly impair the esthetics of the project and erode the rustic feel we need to make the project what we want it to be.

So it is well past time to start making at least slow but consistent progress on the Jeep.

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