Back to Basics, The Chainsaw Cabin Build Begins

Arnold, CA…Well the old saying Two Steps forward and One Back certainly applies to our progress on Hewn Hill the last couple of weeks. We ordered a low cost chainsaw mill to start working on our lumber. Well our little electric chainsaw just wasn’t big enough or powerful enough to really make it work. In fact we destroyed a bar and chain on our saw and had to order a replacement.

Well after the first company took the order and then canceled it when they found out they could no longer source the part. So finally we just ordered and new one and the the replacement part for our old one. So hopefully now we will have our primary saw and a back up.

We have to use and electric saw because we are making the lumber in our backyard in a residential neighborhood. Having a gas chainsaw running hour after hour really isn’t an option.

We are also going back to just using the chainsaw by itself to cut lumber.

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